Originally Posted by Millefeuilles
Delurking for a short while to post a short comment to this wonderful "little" series. (At present, I cannot find the time to read longish fics, as RL is absolutely and madly hectic after a dreadfully busy summer at the office. So, it’s just short fics reading for me, while commuting to/from work.)

AT LONG LAST, our favourite heroes are behaving like adults and not cardboard human beings in line for a soap opera... smile1 It makes this reader quite glad, and very curious to hear that long awaited talk... <Wink-wink Nudge-nudge>

And, is it my perception of him or does this Dan feel more irksome than most of his other fictional avatars?

Loved the little touches like
The movie—if you could even call it that had been a waste of time. Clark Kent knew from the moment he sat down next to Lois in the dark theater there was something off. She seemed distant. The normal things she’d typically laugh at had barely cracked a smile from her.

And the end dialogue is the beginning of real communication. Yay! A real couple does need it to thrive. I’m glad they’ve grown up enough to realize it.

Hey Mille! wave

So good to see a post from you.

Totally get it about RL. Glad you took the time to read my little fic though.

Yes, these two need a neon sign and someone locking them in a closet to make them talk, don't they? The soap opera should be titled "Miscommunication"

I'm not sure. I didn't write Dan in any of these fics, just focused on what he'd said or done in Resurrection. I guess seeing Lois go back and forth with everything makes him more irksome?

I'm so glad you enjoyed this one Mille. Hope real life slows down a little for you. Thanks for stopping by.

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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