Originally Posted by Mouserocks
Omg! This was a fabulous sequel to Throne of Lies. I love how it's mostly from Jon's perspective, and the thought that they all wanted him to reveal the secret. The addition of Wells at the end was perfect as well. Everything happens in its own time, as he would know. I'm glad the secret was so we'll received.

Very well done! clap

Mouserocks thanks for reading. As stated before in Throne of Lies in this world I'd like to imagine eighty years of Superman is bound to have some positive effects on the world to make it possible for utopia to come about.

Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
What a fun story. I would love to see a sequel to this sequel -- one in which we get more of a feel of the reactions by the general public.

I do have one question, though: If this takes place eighty years after the introduction of Superman, Lois must be well past the centennial mark. Is the fact that she is apparently doing so well due to advances in medicine, her relationship to Superman (and possibly her having borne his children) or some combination thereof?


Hey Lynn!

I'll leave the aging questions up to the reader's imagination. It wasn't something I wanted to dive too deep into. Feel free to run with any of your wonderful theories. smile

Originally Posted by Endelda
What a great story! I love "consequences" sequels, and this was a great story about post-reveal life for Clark and his family.

Thanks Endelda! Glad you enjoyed it.

Originally Posted by Deadly Chakram
Aww! Yay! Love it! The line about the world taking it better than Lois did - priceless!

I feel like Clark would still wear the suit when doing his Superman work. He strikes me as a traditionalist and a sentimentalist. Although it will be nice for him not to have to don the tights to fly out to get Lois ice cream and Double Fudge Crunch bars. laugh

I had to add the line about Lois' reaction for comedy. Yeah, I think it'd probably be like second nature to wear the suit when on a rescue. haha errands not so much.

Originally Posted by scifiJoan
I like the way you've described the gradual changes that are leading into the establishment of Utopia.

Thanks scifiJoan! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Originally Posted by cuidadora
Excellent sequel! What a fun conclusion to the story... or is it??

Aww thanks cuidadora! I'm not doing a sequel to this one. I'll leave the unanswered questions up to the readers. Let your imagination run wild.

Originally Posted by Morgana
Utopia had to start somewhere. Glad Clark did it his way.

Yes, Utopia has been born.

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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