Originally Posted by Queen of the Capes
Have you ever had it happen where you're writing a story and your muse keeps nattering on about this one super, special, awesome part that will just be so amazing, and then you finally get to that part of the story and say "Okay, I'm here. Now what?" and your muse just gives you a blank look and goes "...uh..."

rotflol Hahaha, omg! I've never heard a more accurate description of my muse and (I suspect) all muses! This happens to me every single time, without fail. Muse is too excited to write anything but said scene, then finally eeks out the story up to the pivotal moment, and then is either too bored or distracted or nervous about it ending and not being perfect to actually make the genius idea happen. lol So painfully true!

That said, don't sweat it too much. It always (read: usually) works itself out and she'll start cooperating again, and I'm looking forward to reading it when she's good and ready to deliver! (No pressure! I promise!)

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain