So I’ve been incredibly slack on the feedback replying... sorry everyone!

PuffyTiger- this story has been a real bear, and thank you for sticking with me on it! I just keep thinking that often the effects of Clark’s secret getting out seem to be confined to him and his family, but it’s more like a ripple effect- sooner or later, there’s a lot more people that’ll be affected.

Endelda- hahaha, yeah I haven’t been nice to pretty much anyone in this story (except Luthor; he’s having fun) and they probably could use a hug!

Superjan- to be honest, it’s ended up darker than even I thought it would. But I promise things will start looking up a bit soon!

Folc- couldn’t have done it without you, Val! Loving your huge feedbacks too, btw.

Morgana- see, poking my muse does work occasionally. I always figured Smallville would close ranks and do it’s best to protect Clark and the Kents if the secret ever got out.

Thanks everyone! More soon, I promise- I got a big chunk written today

Last edited by NostalgiaKick; 05/22/18 08:57 AM. Reason: Formatting error

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