This clip was like a car wreck, Lois decided as the primary colours of Superman’s Suit blended once more into the drab hues of Clark’s business suit. You knew it was coming, knew it was going to be bad, and yet you still couldn’t bring yourself to look away.

It is very unlikely that Clark is going to be able to explain this away. He is truly unmasked and from Lex's viewpoint, completely vulnerable.

“Safe?” She snorted. “Any moment now they’re going to start digging. Somewhere, some reporter is going to start looking for us. How safe do you think we’ll be then?”
“Clark told us to stay put. He knows better than we do what’s going on, Martha! And that’s what we’re going to do until we hear otherwise.”
Martha turned away, exasperated. Jonathan was right. She knew he was right. But that didn’t make it any easier.

What? No cavalry? thud Both Clark's private life and his parents are well done. (Ooops! No pun intended! blush

“We’re looking for the people that own this farm,” one of the bolder men closer to the door spoke up.
“They’ve gone away for awhile. I’m lookin’ after the place till they get back. Now get outta here before I call the sheriff.” He raised the gun a little for emphasis, grimly amused when the ones closer to him recoiled. He stood his ground while the crowd filed past him, edging away from the rifle as they got to the bottom of the stairs, and waited till the last of them had gotten in their shiny cars and driven off before tramping across the yard to the barn. He took care of the animals, keeping the rifle close and one ear out for the sound of vehicles returning, before getting back in his truck and turning it towards town.

You gotta love Wayne's loyalty to the family.

OK NK ...now what?


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.