Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
It was strange, seeing it. While yesterday she’d been forced to accept that Clark and Superman were one and the same person, knowing the truth and seeing the truth were two different things.

The reveal.
I do have to say this is a nice insight into how Lois processes this revelation. She knows the truth because of Clark's revelation, but knowing it and seeing it are two completely different things.

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
The proof was right there, on the monitor, for all the world to see. The man she’d lusted after, dismissed, pursued, ignored…

Ah, the guilt. Hopefully, Lois can put some of these emotions to good use and help Clark instead of wallowing in her denial like a petulant child.
Come on! Get up. Put your tail between your legs and go beg for forgiveness.

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
If she’d just listened to him…

See? More guilt.

Just go TALK to him!

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
Luthor watched LNN’s coverage of the Superman expose with a self-satisfied smirk. Seeing his enemy’s secrets laid bare on national television like that was thrilling; thrilling enough to almost make up for Lois Lane’s rejection of his proposal. His smirk morphed into a scowl. He’d thought he’d had Lois firmly in his grasp, so what had happened? Had he been too precipitate? Had he not succeeded in destroying the relationship between her and the alien?

Simple you didn't anticipate Clark beating you to the punch and revealing his identity to his friends.

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“And the next phase of the plan?”
“Already in train, Nigel. Already in train.”


This guy really needs a hobby.

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
And what would a few missing bolts matter to anyone, he reasoned as he slid the last one out of its hole and put it in his pocket.

No, no, no, no, no.....

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
No wonder Clark had sounded so stressed; his home was essentially under siege.

Poor Clark! Somebody go over there and give him a hug. He needs some support from his friends.

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
He nodded in response. “So what do you want?” Clark asked abruptly. “Every gory detail? From farm kid to reporter and part-time superhero?”

Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine?
Seriously, put a hand on his shoulder and give him some yarn about how things will get better. He needs a hug. He needs his parents. He needs a way to drop kick Luthor into tomorrow without his powers.

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“Forget about the interview for a minute, son. How are you holding up?”
“I’m fine.”
“Uh huh,” Perry responded sceptically.

Sure you are. We don't believe you for a minute.

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“Clark, let me tell you a little story.
Elvis yarn! Woohoo!
Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
You’ve got a pack of reporters stuck outside your door waiting for Superman. But to the people that care about you, you’ll always be Clark Kent.”

Awwww! Nicely done. Love the Elvis yarn.

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
It was out. All their care, all the years of hiding what their son could do, were for nothing. His biggest secret- their biggest secret- had been exposed. She looked over at her husband who sat in grim silence, his eyes glued to the screen.

Oh, poor Martha and Jonathan!
That has to be terrifying. Not being able to help and go to Clark.

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“Is he- I mean, Superman hasn’t been seen around and I just wondered-”
“He’s laying low till he gets his powers back. I need you to run these names for me.” He fished the list he’d made out of his pocket and held it out to the younger man. “Everything you can find on them, financial records, everything. But” he held a finger up in warning. “No phone calls. Clark says our phones are bugged so we can’t use them for this until he can give us the all clear. And don’t show anyone what you’re working on. Not even Lois.”
He caught the look of distaste on the copy boy’s face. “Never thought I’d live to see Lois side against Superman,” he remarked.
“Me neither, kid. Me neither,” Perry muttered to himself as Jimmy left the room.

Hopefully Lois can earn everyone's trust again, and hopefully, Jimmy can conjure up some intel to bring Luthor down once and for all.

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“What do you all think you’re doin’?” he demanded, making sure to keep the rifle barrel pointed at the ground. He could hear the faint gasps as the strangers closest to him took in the .30 he held. “You’re trespassin’ on private property.”
“We’re looking for the people that own this farm,” one of the bolder men closer to the door spoke up.
“They’ve gone away for awhile. I’m lookin’ after the place till they get back. Now get outta here before I call the sheriff.” He raised the gun a little for emphasis, grimly amused when the ones closer to him recoiled.

Haha! Love this! Wayne Irig seems like he wouldn't take anything from anyone. What with being tortured by Trask and still not giving up Jonathan's name in GGOH.

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“Town’s swarming with reporters and rubberneckers.”
“Yeah, well that’s what I came to tell you. I had to chase a bunch of ‘em off the Kent’s farm a little while ago.”
She swore under her breath, turning and yelling to a deputy in the back of the bullpen to get a cruiser and head out to the farm.
“At this rate, I’m gonna have to swear in a bunch of new deputies,” she commented.
“It’s only gonna get worse,” Wayne responded darkly. They exchanged a look, both grimly aware that their sleepy little Kansas town may not ever be the same.

Love the exchange between Rachel and Wayne. Yeah, unfortunately, things will continue to escalate until Luthor is put behind bars and Clark faces the siege of media as Superman. He needs to hold a press conference.

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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