Lois looked at it suspiciously. "What kind of prize is that?" she asked. "It's just water."

"Yes," the bartender conceded. "But you don't see anyone else with a blue cup, do you?"

At this, Lois perked up. "Hey, cool." She took a sip, then smiled. "Mmm, it's like takeout water."

When the rest of them just looked at her blankly, she continued. "It's like water that you take out. To go. Take out. Get it? Takeout water."

"Yes, Lois. I get it," Clark answered indulgently.

"No, you don't get it. It's like water that you take out."
Oh Lord. Part Two had me rolling on the couch laughing. Between Clark's lack of comprehension as to why he was at the bar, then Lois' drunken behavior, all I have to say is rotflol .

(AND Club Smoochie laugh )


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy