So Lois chooses loser guys in any lifetime, I guess - but you have to admire the way she deals with them! Ouch on the taser, but good for her!

Really enjoyed this paragraph:

Lois hated the taste of crow, but she’d kept her promise. The op-ed piece she had crafted didn’t dance around the fact that she was to blame for the spectacle they’d made at the press conference. She’d officially apologized and pledged that she would accept any consequences for her ‘paparazzi-style’ harassment of Clark Kent out of uniform. Most importantly, though, was that she’d taken the opportunity to express her admiration for a man that lived the life he chose. Whether inspiring change through investigative journalism in a suit and tie or performing altruistic superhuman feats in a suit and cape, Clark Kent was truly a hero and something to which they all could aspire.

I can't imagine "our" Lois ever making such a public apology at this stage of the game, but I think Alt-Lois's abilities in this world make her more sensitive. Or maybe it's the connection she's had with Clark since she was little. Either way, I like it because I still recognize her as Lois, but she has subtle differences to "our" Lois. I think that's a really hard thing to write, so I applaud your talent!

They had watched as Clark stood up from his chair and then bent over to pick up a loose paper that had slipped to the floor. Her sigh had caught Clark’s attention and both women had looked away immediately in different directions. Lois’s cheeks had still been burning brightly when Clark had approached her desk and cleared his throat.

Well, I was talking about differences, but yup, this is the same in any universe! I heart sexual tension. Let's hope we get more as they step into their roles as a married couple!

Now he sat face to face with his world’s Lois. Could he ever see her without being reminded of the love he’d lost? The other Lois held a piece of his soul and he still doubted that he would ever recover from its loss. This Lois was truly an amazing person – he could see that already. She’d been honest about her motives, her actions, and had hinted at feelings that he couldn’t return. She deserved the same honesty from him.

“I fell in love with her.”

“I know,” she said.

“I will probably always love her.” He saw tears spring to her eyes and felt a pang of guilt.

“I know that, too.”

Did he really, though? Fall in love with our Lois? I think he felt a connection and was grateful for her help (both helping him become Superman and saving him from marrying Lana), but love her? Maybe he thinks he fell in love with her, but I kinda want to knock him in the head and tell him that what he thinks was love really wasn't... and something tells me he's about to find that out.

Maybe in the next part? Can't wait to find out!

Tracey smile