
Many apologies for the long absence. Instead of re-typing my reasons (excuses!), I'll quote a previous post.

Originally Posted by Female Hawk
What happened in real life can be summed up in three words and is not bad at all - in fact, it's a dream come true.

Bought. A. Farm.

So I haven't been writing much because my mind is filled with the million things I need to learn (how to tell when a cow is in season, how to eartag a lamb/calf, how to register a property (and then livestock) on the gov website, how to stop a calf biting her mother's teats, how to treat the injured teats, how to make yoghurt, how to train a Livestock Guardian Dog, how to make cheese, how to vaccinate young livestock, how to grow good pasture, how to know which minerals I should be offering cattle/sheep, how to stop bugs eating seedlings, how to rebuild a tumbledown chicken shed, how to construct a fox-proof fence, ...)

When I do actually sit down and open up my computer, I usually spend a long time searching for answers to the day's questions. And then I browse seed catalogues. Or search sites similar to Craig's List for animals and equipment. By the time I open up the fic, I'm too exhausted to think.

The farm still takes up a lot of my time. After more than two years, it still feels as if we're just beginning. I'm loving it all, though!

Thanks to everyone for your continuing interest in the story. The reason I haven't replied in the past is that nothing had changed - I was hoping to continue the story, but couldn't see it happening any time soon.

However, I began working on it again a couple of weeks ago and then (to my surprise) this thread jumped to the top of the list.

So, still no promises or even a guess as to when new chapters might appear.

But I haven't forgotten this wonderful place and people, and I haven't abandoned the story.

Morgana - thanks for your PM. I hope this answers your question. smile

Got to go and milk my sweet girl, Mirren! And feed 3 calves. And check on 4 ewes due to lamb in about a month. And check/comfort two lambs separated from their mothers for weaning. And open up the back gate so the cows can feed in the channel paddock. Then a big day in the vegetable garden, and *maybe* some writing this evening.
