I am so excited about this story, Corrina smile...

Amazing chapter--I've read 3 times now, I think, since it was posted blush notworthy .

This section, watching Lois really start to 'see' Clark--in all that he is and how he cares so deeply for her--was really beautiful. And Clark...he wants to love Lois with everything he is, but is just so scared. Of the consequences with Luthor, but mainly, because he's already been hurt so badly by her.

It's been really new and interesting having Lois be the one making the first moves--touches, bringing up the park and what was said. Clark's resistance is crumbing quickly wink.

Can NOT wait to read more....these last few hours spent in hiding, making their escape. And then overall, seeing how Lois 'gets back', rights some very apparent (now) wrongs.

Wonderful job!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~