
Not gonna lie... this is essentially what I'm working on with my anti-verse. Although I assume you mean this in jest wink more like a perspective piece. I'd love to see it entirely from Lex's point of view! I'm always hooked by pieces that flip everything on its head! Never enough alt-u's. And Lex is a great character to experiment with.

After all, he only wanted to help all those people on the Prometheus to find all sorts of cures for diseases, help a young girl walk again... And finding Superman's limits-- purely humanitarian. It's a civic duty to find the alien's weaknesses, should the situation arise that he might turn on them. Even those ungrateful orphans, he was only trying to help out of a bad situation!

(...I may have been spending too much time in Lex Luthor's head lately...) cat

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain