Originally Posted by mrsMxyzptlk
I really like this story. It's wonderfully sexy. I like how, even though you follow the show fairly closely, you have added detail and story that keep it interesting, so that it's not just a re-hash of the episodes.

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed the story. It was a lot of fun to write. I tried to stay as close to the episode timeline as possible with a little twist.

Originally Posted by mrsMxyzptlk
I really like the argument between Lois and Clark in the newsroom that leads to their discussion on the roof. Lois is completely apoplectic, while Clark is utterly puzzled at why she's upset.

Yes, a case of miscommunication gone amuck.

Originally Posted by mrsMxyzptlk
Throwing her over his shoulder is pretty heavy-handed, and it wouldn't fly in a real office situation, but it's so in-character for the show.

Yeah, but they couldn't continue with that argument in front of everyone. It wouldn't have done either of them any good. Besides Perry seemed to be pretty lenient when it came to letting L&C work their problems out.

Originally Posted by mrsMxyzptlk
I love how the next day everyone is expecting their fight to continue, rather explosively, but they both walk in like everything's fine.

Yes, poor Jimmy had to overhear everything everyone was saying. I figured it would be better to use him as a listening ear than Lois / Clark. He's able to hear things others don't.

Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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