Bravo! party

There are so many great points in this story its difficult to know where to begin!

Yet, she was standing in front of his apartment door, anxiety gnawing at her insides, half-wanting to turn tail and flee to the safety of her loveless home.

This is a good description of what a home can be without laughter and love. Love can warm the loneliest places and right now, that is exactly what her apartment is ...loveless.

There was one chance in a hundred Clark would be dead drunk by now and sleeping it off.

WoW! If Clark could get drunk the question is, would he?

Clark remained silent, while he settled more comfortably into his battered couch.

He wouldn’t make it easy for her, would he?

No, he wouldn’t, her inner voice whispered. Why would he?


Unless he was already over her. Unless he was pulling a Rhett Butler on her.

Could he? So quickly?

Lois gasped.

Rhett Butler? Love it! She's really beating herself up!

She went on, “I liked him. I still do. But… I’m not really comfortable with him. Not like—” Her gesture encompassed it all.

Clark opened his mouth, and she hastily bade him silence with another glance, fearing that if she were interrupted, she’d never have the guts to bare her heart one more time.

“It was pleasant dating Lex. And, in a way, exciting. Going to Italy… Exploring places I could never see otherwise.” She paused, willing Clark to understand. “It took me a whole afternoon waiting for Superman to know I-I merely wanted to be a-a tourist in Lex’s world.”

Would Clark find her shallow and mercenary? Maybe. She had to take that chance.

‘Lex… He made me feel as if he would do anything for me. Give me everything. It was… intoxicating, I suppose.”

Lois raised her eyes from her scrutiny of the kitchen floor; Clark was looking at her without condemnation, but with an irony that puzzled her.

“But, in the end, I could not talk with him. We never were friends.” She swallowed, and added, more slowly, “I missed you.”

This entire section is priceless. In a few words the relationship between Lex and Lois is summed up. She was curious, flattered and intrigued by his world, but only to visit. Lex was an illusion. In the end, thankfully before it was too late, Lois realizes what truly matters.

“Indeed, Mr. Kent. You can begin by telling me all you know about Lex.”

She patted his chest encouragingly. “And afterwards, you can tell everything about Superman.”

Get out another cup on oolong tea, this is gonna take awhile.

Your understanding of the English language is exquisite. I hope we see more of your work.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.