Oh Wow! A lot of things have happened in this section. I love how you are able to integrate action and relationship stuff seamlessly.

The paramedics started wheeling him away, and suddenly everything snapped back into place. The sounds, the smells, the pain all flooded back, rushing in on her senses. They were taking Clark away.
Love the descriptive imagery here.

A shout came from the doorway. "Detective! Superman's asking for the woman. He won't let us leave without her."

"I'm sorry, Lois." His voice was feeble, but his eyes were imploring... for forgiveness, maybe. But there wasn't anything that needed forgiving. Not anymore.
In the face of crisis, people can usually put things in to perpective quite well.

The rest faded away into the background, and he attempted a smile. It was a little thing - her insistence on his name. Maybe it was the sense of a small triumph that he was picking up from Lois, but he felt like he'd won something too.
I really loved that last bit. Keep up the good work!


"But my experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all."

-Oscar Wilde, "Lady Windermere's Fan"