So here I go again, commenting when I don't really have the time for it. But, Sara, I just have to tell you how much I appreciate it that I get a new chapter of your story every Monday. Things are a little slow on these boards nowadays, and I'm certainly not contributing anything storywise - but, heck, I haven't written stories since about the early seventies, and English is my second language, you know! So seeing that I'm not writing any stories, and so many other people aren't writing any stories either - not that many of them don't deserve a break after all they've done already - but, considering all of that, it's so, so good to be able to look forward to a new instalment of your excellent story every Monday. (How's that for a bit of Lois Lane-style babbling?)

I so, so like the general tone and feeling of this story. There is so much emotion and so much tension here, but I never get too upset or devastated. Maybe I'm meant to worry to death that Clark won't make it, but I don't. I worry about him, and I so want to see what's going to happen next, but I do believe that Clark will eventually be alright. And I'm glad I'm able to feel that way, too.

The most wonderful thing about your story is that it is so full of love. I'm the kind of Lois and Clark fan who needs Lois and Clark to love each other very much, and you show us their love so beautifully and poignantly. Thank you so, so much for your great story, Sara!
