This was completely lovely, DC notworthy clap.

Amongst all the 'to-do' lists, chores, shopping, etc (and etc wink ) getting ready for the holidays is entailing, it was such a 'stop and think' moment of clarity for me.

I had a few moments before picking up my son at preschool, and had been trying to clean the house top to bottom for some plans coming up. Anyway...I was going to try to get another room clean and 'done', but then told myself to 'stop'. I heated up some soup. Grabbed the ipad. F-I-N-A-L-L-Y gave myself some time (for myself smile ). And out of all the stories I've been wanting to catch up on, found this one.

Definitely needed that acknowledgement of how lucky/blessed we are to have that fallen behind house (because of those kiddos of ours), and how wonderful it is to be getting ready for those plans with family and friends.

Thank you for that reminder on a busy afternoon sloppy...

Wonderful job--so personal and very touching. Loved it!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~