This chapter, so easily, is very much one of my favorites hyper smile1 hyper !

There is a lot of raw emotion, so much pain, but also, there is HOPE smile.

Lois, finally, is trusting herself, and following her instincts. She knows Clark better than anyone--what's important to him, what he values, what makes him who he is--and she's coming into the reality that everything in this mess has been based on her source's fixation with Superman. For Lois to essentially be tipped off because of how well she knows her best friend--

“He’s only a hero because he’s Clark Kent,” she says.

--literally makes my toes curl notworthy clap.

And this section:

It’s not her introduction to Clark that ruined everything.

It’s her wedding to Lex. She was supposed to say yes to that two-faced criminal. She was supposed to drive alongside an angry Clark while he spit bitter words at her. She was supposed to stand in front of a mirror and pair her name with Clark’s. He was supposed to hug her in trembling arms and watch Lex fall to his death.

They were supposed to be friends. Partners. He was supposed to ask her out, and she was supposed to say yes (not because she was willing to do him a favor by giving him a chance; not because she wanted to save the world and a superhero; because she wanted to). They were supposed to be happy. Engaged. Married. Partners in everything in life.

Amazing! Lois has found 'where' everything veered off course party. I completely love that Lois is able to use these flashes of memory--which previously were so painful because of the impending loss--as an asset. That they were her clues to figure out a future WITH Clark (I'm hoping! grin ). She sees Clark happy--something that he has really been lacking wink --and realizes that in these little scenes things are ok. Great even. And its because they are together, best friends, in love.

Lois has found the root of the evil in her source's plan: Breaking apart Clark--and then therefore Superman/Utopia.

Creating a life together for Lois and Clark creates a lifetime of happiness for both of them. And that happiness is what builds all of the goodness that comes into the future.

Lois knows dance dance dance. And knowledge is power--especially where Mad Dog Lane is concerned smile.

Here's hoping Lois is able to relieve Clark of his suffering ASAP. He needs the truth--hoping it's coming soon.

Awesome job, Anti-K! So excited for more!

Last edited by LMA; 10/29/16 01:04 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~