Awesome--I'm so glad for some more of these! dance

I haven't watched the show in such a long time. Not that I haven't wanted to, but it seems like free time always pulls me towards here and the Archive notworthy. You all are just so talented!

So definitely, a glimpse of an episode--a new way to think about a certain scene or reaction of a character, to me is a real treat. It's a nice way to go back to an episode, without actually trying to find the time to do so thumbsup.

12: Awww. I really love Season 1 Jimmy. His eagerness. How his heart is worn on his sleeve. His willingness to be there for his friends. This episode--and this particular moment, when Clark (who Jimmy looks up to) trusts him to take care of Lois, and Lois actually seems totally ok about it. You can really tell how much that means to Jimmy. But I love how you took it a step further. Jimmy wants to matter. He wants to be needed. And he wants to be the one that others depend on. He knows that he needs Lois, Clark, Perry--he needs their love and friendship. He wants them to need him, too. Great thought process!!! clap

13: I always get a kick out of Lois not liking magic. It's very evident, very much stated in this episode, that she detests it. BUT--she's completely enamored with a man that can fly?!? The irony...that she doesn't like the lack of 'control' in the surprise that is magic, but that she can get past all the out-of-this-worldness that is Superman shock . I really like that you combined Lois' quote, with explaining Clark's fear. And his fear--wow, that really makes a ton of sense! What a great way to so closely link the episode to Clark personally hail. Superman, in a lot of ways, is the fog, the lights, the bells and whistles. And Lois, she really likes that. How would Clark not feel 'less' in some ways? And not wonder how less could be lacking to Lois? Awesome clap.

14: Wow--really loved this! hyper I always wondered when this scene came up--just why doesn't Mad Dog Lane come out and figure Clark out? Why doesn't she look into him? Investigate her partner a little bit? I'd always figure the banter was a fun back and forth and maybe (somehow) the idea was forgotten by Lois. But really, never liked that reasoning. I love your thought process though clap ! Clark is her friend. She's started to trust him. Even respect him. He's gotten 'in' to her heart a bit (even if she won't admit it), and maybe by here in the series she's ready/willing to put him before herself. She acknowledges a long-term timeframe with Clark (which is HUGE for Lois--to know someone will be around for the long run), and her gut tells her that he's going to come around, open parts of himself to her as their friendship grows and time brings them more together. Really think you have this nailed, Anti-K! Perfect grin.

Great job--really enjoyed these!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~