Wow--Clark needs to run away from Lana (and at Super-Speed!). Argh, she is horrible. What little, really, she thinks of him. But, I will say, I am enjoying (very much) NOT liking her, and you've supplied us lots of material to use as reasoning smile.

Hopefully Lois comes around. She's taking it to Clark, when really, he just had a lucky evening, and had an interview pretty much fall in his lap. He had no control that Lois--in all the time researching the Luthor's--has never been able to score the interview she wants. And Clark has tried now a few times to put the two of them in a better place, to be the bigger person. Come on, Lois!

Excited to see what develops!

Last edited by LMA; 08/29/16 01:14 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~