Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Originally Posted by EW
My muse thanks you. *Let's make it a 10-parter party!*
My lack of sleep, my desire to scribble naughty things in my notebook, and my Betas waiting for the next part of Wrong Clark, not so much.
Oops, I guess, I didn’t expect the sugar-rush thingy to also apply to muses. My bad! Wait, 10 parts, after all? /dance/ And naughty things padding this section? /hyper/ /heads over yonder/
It's still in beta and currently at 14 parts, unless re-writes are recommended.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by EW
Yes, I know. But they're always implying it's so high, kind of like the bullpen at the Daily Planet.
Yeah, very annoying, that.
[Linked Image]
Watched an episode again recently where she seems to be living on the ground/1st floor... in S2! I mean, I know that they implied it in S3 when Star moved in but S2? [Linked Image]

I figured, if she just ordered some exotic sushi, Clark might happen to overhear just some parts, displace her, and she could still claim rightful indignation at his interference. After all, she only ordered sushi…
Oh. Octopus sushi. [Linked Image] My bad.

Funny aside, back in the late 70s, women weren’t allowed to take the bar if they were cohabitating with their boyfriends sans state license. The same Wikipedia article didn’t mention anything about men not being allowed to take the bar in a similar circumstance.
MAYSON: Good thing I took the bar in the early 90s, then, huh?
So sad. Such a double-standard.

Well, she certainly should make certain kid-related things a priority, then. Otherwise, she’ll have to prioritize diapers.
LOIS: Superman can deal with those.
She was a girl scout, so I'm sure she's always prepared.
LOIS: Always?

Is he allowed to use those grown-up words?
Allowed to? Yes. Willing to? No.

EW: Lex is fine. I think you meant his clone.
ER: There a difference?
LEX: /cat/

ER: Instead, Superman would be the one doing the propositioning.
SUPERMAN: That's not good for my image.
FLI: Superman’s The Man!
JIMMY: Duh! That's why they don't call him SuperGirl!

EW: But that would be after the cat was out of the bag.
ER: Yeah, but they could then talk freely, at least?
Oh. So you're getting tired of their usual talks?

And would said fire get started in Lois’s kitchen?
LOIS: I was trying to *cook*. It’s not *my* fault that the windows were bolted shut from the outside…
FIREMAN: This isn't the first time we've visited her apartment for this reason.

CLARK: Okay. NOW, I'm worried! A blond billionaire vigilante. There's no winning for me is there?
FELICITY: He's got sort-of a mood problem.
CLARK: AND I'm back in!
LOIS: There’s a difference?

EW: Heat vision wouldn't have sanitized the dirt?
ER: Sanitized dirt still tastes like dirt in your mouth?
I was going to say, how could he taste such atoms of dirt?... of course, that's just a stupid question. How could he not? Moving on...

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.