Thank you for the congratulations! He's an adorable baby and actually lets me hold him, so the temptation is almost irresistible. smile Still, I'm off to see BvS again tomorrow, and that should provide quite a bit of inspiration to me -- not that the story's based off the movie in any way, but it is an amazing Superman story, and that ensures my mind is filled with all manner of Lois and Clark. smile1

So glad that Clark is still interesting, AnnieL! That's actually something I worried about with this story, how to make him a participant in this story rather than just a victim, and I'm relieved to hear that it seems to be working. I love his love for Lois (if that makes sense), but I do have a pet peeve about making sure he remains his own character, strong in his own right, so I do always try to emphasize that -- I'm glad that it's noticeable to you! And yes, Lois's single-mindedness is pretty much completely on Clark's side here. Almost, anyway. smile

I hope you don't mind, Virginia, but I got a huge smile on my face reading your feedback -- I always feel accomplished when anyone says they 'heard' a piece of dialogue in a certain voice, even if it was just a figure of speech for them. smile Lois accepting the red rose was certainly indicative of something, and I hope it was more than just her love of chocolate! Sorry about the hiccup to the posting schedule, but I have somehow managed to get a few chapters ahead again, so hopefully, I won't be MIA so long!

Thanks, DC! I knew you'd understand about the baby -- the funny thing is, I normally don't do much with babies, but this is the first one who's let me hold him for hours, so maybe that's why. huh I do feel really bad for Clark; I guess you and I are keeping to our usual habit of 'poor Clarks.' smile

Thank you, groobie! I seem to have a 'rescue chapter' in most of my stories, so I worry they get repetitive, and I always fear that I've gone overboard in trying to make them interesting -- glad that this one worked for you!

HG Wells would definitely be the best option, bakasi, which probably means not likely. smile Nothing is ever easy for Lois and Clark. I'm so glad you enjoy their interaction -- as I've said, I'm not very good at writing date scenes, so this was an encouraging comment to get!

Wow, congratulations on your kid finishing kindergarten, LMA! Hope you enjoyed your weekend trip -- I'm more than happy to have given you an excuse to put off packing. Procrastination is one of my best talents, and I'm always willing to share. smile I'm glad Clark's vulnerability was apparent (after Newsworthy, I really do feel panicked for the poor guy, :D), and none of the theories you have are good ones for poor Clark! Clark is feeling his way through the relationship, and though I know everyone has their own ideas about Clark's past relationship experiences, I don't think he's ever been too close to anyone, so it's interesting to get to explore how he might act in this situation without Dan Scardino, Lex Luthor, or excuses for Superman in the mix.

Thanks, Morgana!

Glad you're all enjoying!