Bravo notworthy...

I am so glad, and so proud, that you posted this. Not an easy subject to write about, to post about, or to talk about, but one that needs to be brought up and recognized regardless.

The NK Arch has so many different aspects to it, with so much relating always to Lois, to Clark, to the Kents. But having something of this magnitude happen on Earth, especially and obviously IN Smallville, would create all sorts of situations for the people in town. I can see this, unfortunately, as a possibility happening.

And I so admire how you took this story from L&C, took this situation, and rooted it in a real life situation that happens way too much to women, to girls. How you gave these females a voice.

I love your vast ability--to write something so amazingly raw and real...but then also (cause yeah, lucky me, I have the inside scoop on that 'WAFFier fare in the works' hyper clap grin--get excited guys, it's awesome!!!) can turn around and write the romantic, sassy banter between Lois and Clark that we all are so familiar with and love.

Great job sloppy

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~