Originally Posted by LMA
peep (peeping in to finally leave some feedback)

Hey DC wave...

I have been wanting to--and meaning to--read the conclusion of this story FOREVER. Finally, and luckily for me, getting to it smile.

I am so happy for Clark that Jor-El is staying! dance hyper dance. To think his whole life that Clark would never know his biological parents--or ever really know about his heritage--and then to find his dad and get to spend the remainder of his life getting to really know and develope a father/son relationship (with his dad) is absolutely wonderful. I'm so glad that Jor-El realized that being around Clark out-weighted whatever he would gain getting off of Earth and finding his people.

And I really appreciate that Jor-El and Lois have gotten to know each other. That Jor-El is starting to understand Clark's love for Lois. As time goes by, as Lois and Clark head towards marriage/etc, the relationship that Jor-El is building with Lois will become more and more important.

Oh--and to have Jor-El go to work at STAR Labs? With Dr. Klein? notworthy Genius! I absolutely love this idea! hyper

Can not wait to read the ending,

Hi, Laura! wave

Glad you got a chance to get back to this one.

Clark and Jor-El have had a rough road to get to this point. Especially Jor. It can't imagine what kind of effort it must have taken for him to start changing his mind about Earth so that he could really appreciate all the things he would miss out on with his son if he chose to leave.

And as for Clark - it would have killed him if Jor had left. Even though the Kents are his parents, Jor-El is still his father - now in both name and in practice. It would have devastated him to lose that relationship, even if there was no choice - he'd never leave Lois.

You're right, of course, that Jor and Lois getting along is crucial now. We all know that where there is a dating Lois and Clark, there will be a married Lois and Clark. And not that Lois needs Jor's approval or blessing to marry Clark, it certainly does help things if he does!

Glad you liked how I threw in that Jor-El is going to work with Dr. Klein. I evil genius laughed to myself for basically the whole day between when the idea crossed my mind and when I finally got a chance to put it on paper. smile

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon