What a beautiful story that really put me through the emotional wringer! I really enjoyed the first section and was just settling in for a story about Clark coming to terms with his powers and maybe alien origin, when you completely shocked me with his parents dying. Poor Alt-Clark...every time I think of him, I get a twinge of sadness in my gut. I was so glad to see that the story continued on -- past the terrible pain of being an orphan, adrift in the world. Way past Lana and her controlling ways. -shudders- Past, even, the arrival of our Lois and his reveal as Superman and then the time he had to travel to our world. I was so glad that he got his Lois and that he somehow managed to balance everything out so that his life wasn't all one thing or the other.

Really sad, but ultimately hopeful, which is one of my favorite types of stories, so thanks a lot for writing this! As always, you have some really cool turns of phrases throughout -- I especially like 'a look that could kill and radiant as the sun,' because that just seems to sum up Lois Lane. smile