AntiKryptonite: Thank you so much for coming back to comment! jump

Wow, I really enjoyed this story!
Thank you. smile

It was heartbreaking due to the time period it was placed in, and just so sad to think of Clark working at the DP beneath a bossy, cold-shoulder Lois, but I love how even with all that angsty atmosphere, you were able to convey the easiness that's between them, the banter and the way they understand each other and can talk to each other. For all that Lois is closed off and Clark has a secret, they were able to connect incredibly quickly, and that came across SO WELL here in this story.
Well, it's only been a few months since Lois became boss. It wasn't this way in the beginning. That's why it was easier for them to fall back into their old friendship.

I was frustrated by Lois, but then, I always am when she's dating/engaged to Luthor, so that was completely in character, and I love that out of everyone she could have asked for help from, she chose Clark because she knew she could trust him.
Yes, engaged-to-marry-Luthor Lois is annoying. I'll agree with you there. She's never had many people in her life whom she trusts. Clark was one of the few and the easiest to reach.

I also really enjoyed all the moments/scenes/dialogues with Jack, Jimmy, and Perry. Even though none of them were around for long, they were perfectly described so that I felt as if I could see them right in front of me.
Wow. Thanks.

Clark's sarcasm and humor are perfect here! I love it in the show, but it's one of the things I struggle with capturing when I write him, so I'm very much in awe of how well you are able to convey it in your stories!
thud Thank you. That's quite a compliment coming from such a great writer! He gets his sarcasm from me. Probably why Tempus is one of my favorite characters.

Above all, though, my favorite part of this story is the conversation about the pheromone and how it did or did not affect Clark. As Lois herself pointed out, everyone affected behaved in a certain way, and I LOOOOVVVVEEE Clark's response that maybe he was affected, and he just displayed it in his own way -- and Lois's immediate translation of that to kindness and patience. He had the perfect response when he said that he'd been wooing her from day one -- though I admit I laughed out loud when he said "I woo differently." (It also makes sense when you think about what Lois did: basically, Lois woos by going over the top and making a fool of herself? So...really, Lois has been wooing both Clark and Superman from day one too? laugh )
[Linked Image] Perhaps. Subconsciously. wink

Very intriguing story -- I was hoping Linda was the seller -- and the ending conversation left a lot of hope for a story that started out looking so hopeless!
Yes, Linda was at fault. And so was Nigel and Lex (perhaps -- though he'd deny it). This way, ALL the villains of the story get blamed. *snicker* I know, a total cop out. But, really, this was a B-Plot story in an A-Plot disguise. Ultimately, who was to blame wasn't important; it was what the main characters learned about themselves and each other that was. I'm glad you liked it.

Thank you! This feedback was a wonderful shot of chocolate for my muse! Sadly, I'm off to go watch the new BvS movie, so I can't put it to good use at this minute.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.