Darth Michael: Thanks for reading. smile

And now for the conclusion.
See! I told you I knew how to come to one.

LEX: Why is there a black opening painted on that wall?

Wouldn’t it be awkward if Lex managed to blow up the Planet right at this moment, with the logo going first up in pieces?
LOIS: /cat/ ‘Awkward’?
Yes, the correct word would be ironic.
TEMPUS: wave

About to?
Well, from the cut scene where Lex tells Mrs. Cox to plant a lunch box of explosive at Jack's workstation. Because Lois accepted Lex so much earlier, he didn't need to blow up the DP, but after she dumped him... he saw no reason to keep it on the books.

Lane? Is there another bomb hidden somewhere and Clark can’t get any closer?
Uh... no. She just called him Kent, so he called her Lane. Isn't that the way it works?
CLARK: Yeah! She started it!

But not in time to prevent the Planet from going boom.
CLARK: But we'd had Superman on our team, so nobody died.
LOIS: So, I'm equal to Superman? *thinks about this* I can accept that answer.
PERRY: [Linked Image] *MY* baby!

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by BtP
“Oh, so you’re saying that I was useless.
Careful now…
You mean, this is where Clark usually sticks his foot in his mouth and screws up the possibility for premarital sex?

Well…that *was* what the nice TV lady said.
You mean that lady from canon?

What if we put her into a kindergarten group? You know, like in Kindergarten Cop?
I don't know. She handled her own during Toy Story.

To be fair, two of the men in her life have been lying to her for an extended period of time and she hasn’t had a clue for a very long time despite very glaring warning signs.
Okay, the person who agrees with Lois at this point gets to be called "galactically stupid".

But why isn’t he saying that? Is this Clark broken or something? /checks warranty label/
That's more of a fourth date admission.

Actually, he is doing the first two and he would allow her to be presented as a home wrecker and despicable cheat just to keep his own image clean.
Yes. Yes, he does. evil

No, those are for private use only.
Well, technically, he only would've had to look at the photos once, then disintegrate the evidence to do the job.

ER: /confused, thought Clark was male/ Oh, because he hasn’t seen those where she was?
CLARK: /wallbash/
No. Because they have differing opinions on what "nude" means.
LOIS: Well, I *felt* nude.

Like his apartment and first she’d put on a harem’s costume?
CLARK: Those terms are acceptable.

You mean, like when George Lucas wanted Han Solo to say something and Harrison Ford gently discouraged him from putting written stuff verbatim on film?

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by BtP
“You don’t want to see me naked, Clark?” she asked.
"It's a trap!"
Darn tooting!

ER: /oh, no/ he just called her fat.
Hence his line saying "that was worse".

Oh, look! A perfect Lois Lane.
And you thought she liked frogs!

Had the pictures ended up in LFI, 2 bucks?
They could still end up there.

But she already wants to see Superman sans clothes.
But she's talking to Clark.

Some more dirt here, please. It’s pretty naked right now. Like Clark wants Lois to be.
Thanks. I'll fix it.
CLARK: I *never* said that!
LOIS: Aloud.

But to be fair, that towel…
Wasn't see-through?

So, that would be ‘love’, then?
No, sans towel.
LOIS: Or just with the towel, for now. I'd be fine with that for a little while. Here, *digs through her clutch purse* I carry one for emergencies.
CLARK: Lois, that's a handkerchief.

She just gave him an out! Boy will she ticked off at Tempus now when he spoils the fun.
TEMPUS: That's why it's soooo much fun!

But what about a picture for her as a keepsake in her purse? It’s not like goons would ever get into that one…
Only Clarks from other dimensions.
ALT-CLARK: *looking through Lois's wallet* And this is him, with you, dangling naked from the ceiling?

But there’d be nothing wrong with a quick romp in a stolen moment, right?
Um... that there breaks them rules.

Uh oh. Do we have lift off?
No, just her Kryptonite eyeshadow.

Let’s see…Antoinette. Toni. Linda. Who else…?
He didn't kiss Linda!

MARTHA: wave

Oh, that’s why he’s avoiding her. She just figured out a roundabout way to ask for his number. So, it’s actually an Indian concept.
She just doesn't realize that's what she just asked him.

Oooooh! This certainly has a nice ending to it /hyper/
You're so sweet. smile1

Thanks, Michael!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.