Hi, Virginia! smile

It's entirely possible that Trask would have used the K-blade on Clark, if the need arose (or just for his sick pleasure - I wouldn't put it past him, really).

As for the healing - as far as I understood it on the show, no sun means no powers regeneration. (Why the Press bros were going to attack him in the missile silo or whatever where it was dark.) So he wouldn't regen whilst in B39's compound, but once out in the sunlight (full, strong sunlight) he would regen fairly quickly.

Lois really isn't in the most comfortable place, is she? But I think she's dealing with it fairly well. But yeah, my mind wouldn't allow me much sleep in her position either.

I don't blame Jor-El's paranoia/knee-jerk reactions. I don't think I'd be willing to trust people either, even if they did do well by my kid. But yeah, to ask Clark to turn his back on all humanity is a little over the top. Which is exactly why Clark is terrified that Jor-El might not even stay on Earth.

Dying over the Kent meeting you laid out! laugh

Glad you liked the bonus posting!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon