Loveliness clap notworthy clap notworthy clap !

I really enjoyed this--and yes, it was definitely worth the wait hyper.

Some of my favorite lines:

She remembered with a mental grimace that Lana was also quite capable in the kitchen – apparently it was a talent people born in Kansas had to excel at before being allowed to leave the state.

rotflol Awesome! Ironically, I do have a cousin that lives in Kansas--and she is absolutely impressive in the kitchen. I have about as much skill in the cooking department as Lois...must not be required in Iowa wink.

"Besides, isn’t that what people do in Smallville? Get married to their high school sweeties, settle down to a tight little marriage and have two point five children?” Shaking her head in disbelief she rattled on. “Urgh! No, this is Kansas … three children or four, not the nation’s norm of two point five!”

This was great. Perfect Lois-Babble grin.

"As a matter of fact, he was the one who kept telling me to let Lana sort out her own dates for big events and if she needed furniture moved to ask the building superintendent.”

Lois couldn’t help but chuckle in amusement, “See! He knows who’s good for you and who is not!”

He took a thoughtful sip of coffee before replying. “Pete says he’s never seen me happier than when I talk about you. He wanted to know why you and I are not in a serious relationship.”

A look of puzzlement marched across her face, “Why did he say that?”
Despite the seriousness of the conversation he said with a grin.

“Because the name Lois Lane, whether playing poker with the guys or shooting hoops, always seems to crop up in my conversation. He is not the only one who notices. My parents think you are simply the best thing that ever happened to me.”

Awww clap. Loved this. What a great way to sorta talk about being together prior to it happening. So sweet smile.

Lois studied the delicate features she had come to know nearly as intimately as her own. How could this man’s eyes be so warm, so trusting and innocent one minute and filled with deepest longing at the next? Gradually, as if she were jumping off a high ledge into the sky her head tilted up and their lips met. His lips were soft and inviting, sweet and sensuous, they parted and his tongue touched hers, tasting like the delicate herbal notes of coffee and desire. Clark moved his hands around her waist to further enjoy their embrace. They did not dance in the air as they had done last night, no, only their senses pirouetted and dived as they touched and explored this fresh and tenuously precious new element of their relationship.

For them this was better than any dream or even the dance they shared in the newsroom. Because now nothing and no one stood in the way of their own future, bright with promise and the years untold to come.

WAFFiness galore--perfect! love. What a romantic way to end. I'm floating on cloud nine.

Great job, Morgana notworthy

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~