I finally got my tail in gear and finished the last chapter. It's very long... Now I can go back to the other story that's been driving me crazy. I'm trying to get as many WIPs finished as I can before starting on something new, but it's hard. I keep coming up with new story ideas- not that I'm complaining!

Originally Posted by LMA
He is a bit of both, all mixed together and perfect.
Laura- I'm not going to fight you there drool

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Clark needed to know that it was his actions (his disappearance) that brought Dan back into Lois's life.

VirginiaR-I agree, he definitely needed to realise just how badly he screwed up.

And I think you're both right about the realities of being in a relationship with Clark/Superman. It's not going to always be sunshine and roses, and Lois needs to know that.

"It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. It's basically a license to proudly emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating."- Simon Pegg