Awww! Things are definitely looking up for our couple smile.

I'm glad that they talked, I'm glad that Lois seems to understand Clark pretty well from the get-go. She understands immediately that Clark can't turn himself 'off' when he's Superman, and likewise, Superman doesn't disappear when Clark is being himself. He is a bit of both, all mixed together and perfect.

And, I really think that this rescue is a blessing in disguise. Knowing Clark is also Superman is one thing, living it out is another. Something big like this--the oil spill--gave Lois a really good taste of what she is getting into. Hopefully it cemented everything further...cause Clark definitely was thrilled that she was there for him on his return.

Looking forward to seeing how the end plays out. Great job! hyper

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~