She invited him over hyper dance twins ! Woo-hoo grin!

I'm really enjoying the evolution of their these changes to canon have enabled them to come together more quickly. The rescue was a nice wake up call to Lois, to really 'see' what is in front of her. I'm loving her willingness to bring Clark into her life smile.

So Clark has the wardrobe idea, he has the apartment, he seems to have an Almost Best Friend ( smile1 clap ). Things are going quite well for him. I'm assuming since he's getting a locker, a job is soon to follow, too.

I'm really getting curious how you will handle Superman. Clark and Lois are definitely so much 'closer' than they were when Superman appears in the show. Maybe that will cause him not to have the same type of effect on Lois?

Clark's 'Super Renovation' that appears in the show might be kinda tricky. It seems like they are moving towards spending free time together--movie/pizza evenings, etc--so Lois is pretty likely to notice a very quick turnaround in Clark's living conditions laugh.

Well, I sure am looking forward to an evening at Lois'!
Great job smile

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~