Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Ooooh. A new beginning. I like how you show him living in Paris. It explains how he learned about the great boulangerie (pardon my lack of French spelling), there.

Yea! Clark came to Metropolis and NO Lex Luthor interruptus (and space ship stories) to get in the way of Lois and Clark's partnership. Two months free. Ouch. Good thing he can fly home for meals. I wonder what he'll find at the beauty pageant. I have this strange feeling it won't be just a puff piece.

I wonder if Clark thought of his (birth) mother when he saw the pregnant woman hostage at the bank robbery. I don't know why, but I did. Lara wasn't pregnant (and didn't give birth) when she arrived at the Kents, but for some reason I could picture Clark seeing her in this light. Also, that was a scummy crook!

Will Clark develop Superman in this dimension? Was the blanket that Lara had him wrapped in the one with his family crest on it? Where is Lex Luthor and why isn't he doing his usual taking-over-the world thing? Very suspicious, if you ask me.

I like this new introduction to Lois and Clark. It gives them a chance to bond as friends before Superman (if he ever does) makes an appearance.

Hi, Virginia! wave

Glad you liked the installment. Clark really hasn't given too much thought to his birth parents since he learned about their deaths. And he's got no globe/globe messages in this universe. (No need to since the Els intended on being alive to raise Clark and all.)

Superman will appear in this universe. Under different circumstances, but he'll be there.

Where there's a Clark, there's a Lex.

Two months free, but at least he can have all the crummy break room coffee he can stomach? And all the Lois staring he can discreetly do?


Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon