Ooooh! Last one for the old year clap
A Dirty Story
That’s the wrong side of the boards confused

Clark smiled as he gently touched the smudge on Lois's nose.
Oh, *that* kind of dirt.

"No," I told my muse, "That wasn't what I had in mind."

"Try the next one, then," Thalia suggested.

I move the top paper to the bottom of the stack and look at the next one down.
A-ha! Do I remember this correctly that we’ve heard of Thalia before/

Lois brushed at the glop on her legs. "I'll go undercover as a man. I'll go undercover as a hooker. But I will NEVER again go undercover as a female mud wrestler!"
rotflol Also, as a *hooker*? shock
Also, have you read Fighting Dirty by Nancy?

And what is it with all of these stories? Why is there so much dirt in them?"
[Linked Image]

Thalia put her hand on her hip, "Well, if you gave me a nicer place to work, maybe the stories would be better."
rotflol Bazinga!

"The locale isn't the problem. The problem is your lack of housecleaning.

All your dust bunnies kept mating with my plot bunnies, and these stories are the result."
[Linked Image] [Linked Image]

I wadded up the top story, but before I could throw it at her, Thalia disappeared under the bed.

That was wonderfully inspired. You *are* going to have this made eligible for this year’s Kerths, right?

Happy New Year!
wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.