Thanks, guys! You totally made my day laugh It really is helpful hearing all that! It's one of the big things I was trying to work on when I wrote this fic--all that A/B junk fitting in without feeling forced. My next book has similar plot to character development ratios. It's a fantasy that straddles the line between modern world and magic, princesses and the whole nine yards. I'm actually super excited to see how it turns out since it's been on my back burner for years now. My last two books have been analogical/theological fiction, which have had very little action. So since I was already using L&C to take a break from my own personal writing whilst I was chair-riddenly ill, I figured it'd be good to play with that.

Kids are so like that, aren't they? But man! Naps sound like a beautiful thing! My kids stopped napping a while ago, and even though I love my kids, I miss having that quiet time. Virginia, my beta talked me into keeping to a same schedule for the sake of the people who have a reading schedule. I don't really know what I'm doing with this whole fan fiction thing. I'm new to fan fiction. I hadn't read a lick of it before last year. Then for the past 18 months it's all I've read. I've never had to read in-process fics because there have been plenty to keep me busy. I read a fairly large chunk of the LC archive, but I also read Pride & Prejudice, Harry Potter, and various Star Trek fan fictions. That's enough to keep even a voracious reader busy. I know blogging is supposed to be like that where you keep a schedule and it creates routine, so I guess it makes sense that fan fiction would be the same... I will be out of town for a week a couple weeks from now, so I might end up posting two chapters that week, does that count? wink

Good call, Mike! There's plenty of room for continued angst left in the fic wink

And yay for Lois growing as a person! I love writing character development. It's so affirming to see how angst almost always forces character development. I do love too, Laura, how Clark was "on to" Lois. It was fun to see, and I really think that would be his gut reaction since he's been so, um, what's the word I'm looking for? Basically, he's so desperately wanted her to fall for him for over a year and when she rejected him, I think part of the whole throwing him for a loop would be him not letting himself hope that she'd ever be nice to him of her own accord.

"Let me help. A hundred years or so from now, I believe, a famous novelist will write a classic using that theme. He'll recommend those three words even over I love you." JTK to EK (City on the Edge of Forever)