Thanks for the support, everyone! laugh

Originally Posted by Marcus Rowland
Obvious stupid question - what would you do if you somehow won?

Quick, cynical answer: Same as every other politician...nothing! wink

Slightly less quick, but still cynical answer: Pretty much nothing - the President has very little Constitutional power; Congress has the most power, and they're mired in gridlock.

Completely practical answer: It's a moot point - I can't win because I'm currently not on the ballot. Declaring your intention to run is merely step one - step two is actually getting into the primaries or caucuses in each state in order to get the party nomination. I did have my classes investigate how to get me on the ballot in each state, though. Tennessee would be easiest - it would take the signatures of 250 registered voters. Several states will let me on as a write-in candidate with little or no paperwork.

Answer that reveals the next step for my project: A few days ago, I was contacted to participate in a project - create a four minute video answering the question, "What is your plan for America?" The videos will be online and people can vote for them in a NCAA bracket-style tournament. Final two get to have an online debate right before the November 2016 election. So after winter break, I'm going to have my students start brainstorming answers to that question and create that video. Ultimately, the kids are in charge of this project - they shape what Young4President officially believes in, so I'll let them answer your question. smile

Susan, who lives 20 minutes from San Bernardino and at the very least would assure the world that Donald Trump does not speak for me or most Americans.

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink