What a neat lesson for your students. I wish you had been my social studies teacher. All my teachers had us doing was memorizing names and dates -- two things at which I am horrendous. And since most of the names and dates were for wars and other non-cheery events, you can understand why social studies was the only academic subject I hated. (I did intensely dislike some of the non-academic subjects; gym and hand-writing tied for the two most-detested subjects overall.) I strongly suspect that had you been my teacher, I would have enjoyed the class as much as I did my language classes -- and that is saying a lot.

Too bad your students are too young to vote. (No pun intended.) Even without knowing your platform, I would be jumping up and down for joy if you proved to be the nominee for the Democrats. I'll take you over the other candidates in either major party any day. At least you strike me as being that rarest of beasts: an honest politician.


p.s., I just started looking over the list of candidates. I must admit I like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA." The name about sums up what I think of the current big-name candidates. (I'm assuming that that name is supposed to sound like someone running away in fear -- perhaps with an expression like that of the fellow in the lower-left corner of the Action Comics #1, as seen on this page.)