Annie, I don't know whether to laugh or to sigh at your story. It, in a nutshell, illustrates why we are stuck with the main candidates -- anyone who has a shred of either sanity or humility would never put themselves through the grueling process necessary to become president in modern America. (Susan, I absolutely am not implying anything about you -- you are not running with the intent of actually becoming president, and you are not going to put yourself through the -- shall we say 'inferno'? -- that the big-name candidates must endure as they attempt to win the presidency.) So in my opinion, what we have -- in both major parties, and in pretty much every major election, at least since I've been old enough to pay any attention to politics -- is a bunch of egomaniacs who are willing to do whatever it takes to gain the power seat.

I know that if I were asked to consider running a serious campaign to become president, I would have the exact same reaction as your colleague.
