Oh what a beautiful story. And what of super declaration of love:

"I love you in so many different ways, Lois. I love the way you dive into life, headfirst. I love the way you grin when you're breaking a story. I love the way you refuse to be walled in, changed by all of life's petty expectations. I love the way you care, genuinely care about people, what happens to them. I love the way you insist that your voice be heard in the chorus of humanity. I love the way you never, ever, back down when you think you're right. I love the way you fight for what you believe in. I love the way you babble uncontrollably when you're nervous." He was on a roll now.

"I love your tenacity, your courage, your fire, your passion, your determination, your loyalty. I even love your stubbornness. I love the way you demand that the world be a better place. I love your chocolate fixation, your Lethal Weapon craze. I love the way your hair - " His hand reached out of its own accord and swept the silky strands away from her cheek, replacing it with his fingers… " - falls over your face, I love the way your eyes light up when you're teasing me, I love..." Her hand had come up to cover his… "I love *you*, Lois."
But why a *wrong* man?
