Awwwww--sweet relief! clap clap clap

Somehow, knowing how unlikely it was that Clark could be Julia's father, makes the fact that he is even more amazingly wonderful smile. Loved this, DC. Clark's reaction was priceless--shocked to the point of speechlessness. I am so happy for them, for Clark and Lois, but also now for Julia, as she grows up and has no connection at all to Luthor.

The interactions with Dr. Klein were really well done. I was impressed with how you set it all up--Klein finding out that Luthor was out of the picture, but, all of a sudden, finding out Superman is now 'involved' wink. How confused/surprised he must have been! I'm glad that he was brought into the circle, is now fully aware of Clark's secret, and now Julia's, too.

Can't wait for the wedding!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~