I started to shiver once I read the first word. My oh my my heart is being wrenched.
Definitely fewer touches, much less closeness, far fewer hugs - and no kisses.
Poor Clark.
Once her parents got involved - as they had to - he’d be pushed aside. Out of the way. Without even any right to be with her. Chances were he wouldn’t even get to keep his promise that he’d stay with her till the end.
The tears threatened to pour at this point.
However the anticipation kept them back.

“Oh.” She blinked. “Come on, Clark, we both know that’s not going to happen.”

And he didn’t even have a ring to give her.
Tears are banging on the door again. thumbsup

Ah! Finally they state their loves for one another. FINALLY!


I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.