You put in a warning of religious themes but what I saw the most was moral themes. I mean there was a bit of religion in here but mostly the setting. Father Paul handled the situation quite well. He did as most do (or should do) let Clark do most of the talking adding a few thought provoking ideas in from time to time.

From the beginning I wondered if he recognized his visitor as Clark, I think that aspect might be a great story from Father Paul's POV. I mean it has to be quite a shock having Superman come to your office to discuss moral issues with you but he seemed to get over the shock fairly soon. I often think Clark needs someone like Father Paul in his life to be a sounding board and thought provoker from time to time. I could see this becoming more than a one time deal.


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham