Wonderful job, DC clap...

I grew up Baptist, as a young adult went to a non-denominational church, and now--as a family--go to our very contemporary Lutheran church. I was really impressed by how you wrote this piece--I loved how you took what you knew, what you were familiar with--and put that into the story. I love how you personalized the story in such a really perfect way.

And I loved how emotionally truthful it was--how traumatic of a few days for Clark this really would have been. Thinking he is loosing his best friend/the woman he loves, nearly dying due to Luthor, and then to carry the guilt of not being able to save the man. I'm sure Clark desperately did need someone to talk to--and I was so happy he was able to gain some comfort about the situation.

Really enjoyed this smile

Last edited by LMA; 07/06/15 11:50 AM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~