Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
OP is simultaneously one of my most and least favourite episodes. I love the L&C relationship parts, but I skip over all of the Spencer Spencer parts.
Yeah. When you get into S3 & S4, they were grasping at straws for A-Plots.

I didn't really mind Chi of Steel. I liked some of the men vs. women jokes, especially between Martha and Jonathan. Although, implying that Jonathan couldn't cook after the first time Lois met him was while he was barbequing didn't hold much water. (Yes, that's a form of cooking.) I would've loved to have Lois say after sneaking into the men's club say, "It was rather boring. Why would anyone want to belong to such a club?"

Smart Kids bothers me, mostly because it was more about the kids than about Lois and Clark. The kids received more screen time than most villains do during an episode (Lex included). It seemed to me that the Network said, "Superman is a kids' superhero. You need more kids on that show. Write something with kids." Lois and Clark kind of stumble through that episode with no other point than to show how they interact with kids. (How funny, not.) That plot could've worked better for me if they used Clark's motivation from NostalgiaKick's vignette But for the Grace of God.

Voice from the Past annoyed me to no end. That's the one where Clark freezes Lois for a 2nd time, right? /cue eye-roll/ One time was bad enough.

Super Mann with the Nazi's reborn. Eh. No thanks.

I never really cared for Brutal Youth (despite it showing Lois and Clark's honeymoon). It seemed to only be written to showcase the actor from the original Superman show as an older Jimmy.

The Source. I'm not quite sure why I dislike it so much, except that it's the source's fault that Lois is put on leave, not hers. I also don't like Madame Ex for that reason. Here these people are supposedly Lois's friends, supposed to care for Lois, but they don't believe her when she speaks the truth. It's easier to believe the liars than Lois? Wow, what great friends. Lois stood up for Superman when he was blamed for a crime he didn't commit in MoSB but blame Lois for a crime, of course, she's guilty! /sarcasm intended/

Never on a Sunday portrays Clark as a bad reporter who (accidentally) framed an innocent man. Ugh. Are they trying to make us dislike our hero? Not being a big fan of anything mystic or voodoo-ish, I usually skip over this one too.

I know I haven't mentioned the ARGH arc, but I think those are better forgotten. Not a big fan of the NK arc either.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.