LabRat et al... I hope you savoured last Thursday's waffs because today is A-plot. Ah, well. At least Hazel will be happy! smile

Seriously... I may tweak this section a little, so that CJ's sudden doubts about Lois liking him only for his powers don't seem to come quite so out of the blue. We'll see. Whatever happens, the flight will stay as it is. I rather like it, and it seems so do you guys! thumbsup

Maria: your comments on the powers are interesting... but not right! The sun on CJ's world isn't going to enable him to keep the powers.

BTW, why are you guys so sure that CJ is going to keep those powers? I never promised that!

Tank: no. I'd never to that to Lois.

Pam!!! Welcome on board! Glad you're enjoying this so far. Your comments are interesting because I think it shows how writers can lose perspective on their stories. Yes, I know this story has a B-plot, but I still think of it as being mostly A-plot driven. But then, maybe I'm too close to look at it dispassionately.

RetroRose: sorry not to have posted quicker. As I've mentioned before, I'm rather fond of my Monday / Thursday posting schedule. In any case, I was away most of the weekend.

Hazel: A-plot on it's way!

Jenni: thank you! But, you know, you've been rather wonderful about giving me comments privately. smile And all that wonderful beta-reading, too... smile

Thanks to everyone else who has commented. I feel a little mean for not giving you a roll call today, but hope that you'll forgive my lapse, just this once.
