This was a lovely introspective piece that seemed to hit most of the issues in their relationship and dealt with them. One remains and it of course is a big one but they seem to be in the right frame of mind to deal with it better than they did in canon. This point in time seems to be a much better timeframe to deal with the secret identity issue than the way they made Clark so fearful of Lois' response that he kept putting it off and putting it off and in the end had the big blowup. Now I understand why they did that in the series as it built suspense and drama even if it was done in a contrived manner.

My favorite line was and still is "he doesn't come and go, he goes and comes" to Lois' fragile view of herself this is a VERY important distinction. The relationship does not end with Clark going, it ends with him coming back to her. She has never experienced this phenomena in any of her previous relationships so it really rings true to her that this one is for real.

I was so disappointed in the fact that this story was nFic and hence not eligible for the Kerths last year. I am absolutely elated that you made this version so it will be eligible for this year's awards. Honestly it was one of my favorite stories for 2014 and in my opinion would have given "Fictitious Persons" a run for its money in the overall category although the competition was very tough in that category...

Thanks for doing this and I look forward to nominating this story next year.

(Oh, and you can add the Morgana edit to the Anti-K edit comment)


Last edited by Mike M; 05/28/15 11:58 AM.

Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham