I just don't see how Lois can fix this and how could Clark still have feelings for Lois.

What Lois did was not some simple thing or something stupid like hurting Clarks feeling and then feeling bad about it. She exposed Clark as being Superman, which in turn put his family in danger and according to James in this story, they are still having to move around a lot to stay safe. That doesn't sound like everything is perfectly fine for the Kent clan. To me it is absurd to think that Lois can fix this. The only believable way to me this story ends with Clark and Lois as couple or still friends is if HG Wells shows up and goes back in time to stop Lois from writing the story.

Lois has caused all this hurt in this story and she surely doesn't deserve any sympathy because she is hurting over something of her own design.

I fear this story will end up with Lois still getting Clark and she won't have to live or deal with the consequences of her actions. Some stories can end without the happy ending (Clark and Lois together), read "It Might Have Been," and still be a great story.

Again what Lois has done in this story in not just some stupid mistake and sometimes things cannot be fixed. Now that would be very interesting story.