Originally Posted by There Is No Spoon
Why is everyone sad for Lois, it's not like she ruined anyone's life. Oh wait she did, and it was not just anyone it was a friends life she ruined.
Keep in mind that this is set early in season 1. Lois and Clark aren't best friends or romantic partners at this point - Lois is just starting to see him as something more than a "hack from Nowheresville". Look at some of the earliest episodes - she really does treat him like crap on many occasions.

Can I feel sad for Lois even though she's done something horrible? Absolutely. Haven't you ever had to stand back and watch a friend or family member make a stupid, stupid mistake? Do you mock them and say "I told you so!" afterwards, or do you sympathize with them as they struggle with the consequences of their actions? I can know in my heart that Lois was absolutely wrong in outing Clark, watch the fallout that results for everyone as a result, and still hope that people can learn from their mistakes.

Have faith in Anti-K. There's a reason she just won a Kerth award. wink

Susan, who admittedly has some insider knowledge on the story laugh

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink