What wonderful ideas. The off-air daughter is very plausible, DC. Susan, the daughter being 15 years old is an excellent touch. (I am just sorry that it hits so close to home. FWIW, it does for me, as well: My ex-husband usually e-mails me to ask a few days before our son's birthday or Christmas what our son might like. I respond with a number of possibilities in a wide range of prices to that he could choose his own price point -- and I always include in the list an e-gift certificate, since they are so easy to buy. Then about 2:00am the morning after the holiday, our son receives an e-card from my ex. That's it. No gift. Just an e-card. Our son is *severely* affected by autism and has no interest in e-cards; he won't even look at my computer screen.)

Virginia: "I've got to see a man about a cape"? rotflol

You guys are all so creative. I love the stories that are being woven from a simple pogo stick.

Thanks for answering the challenge, and please keep the answers coming. smile
