My nominations/awards:

Most prolific writer: KenJ. Honestly, it's amazing how much you're able to write. Wow! hail

Best alternate beginnings: Shayne Terry. Whether it's the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island or the boys' locker room in Metropolis High, Shayne finds beautiful new ways for our favorite couple to find each other. grovel Still begging for more from the Vagrant/Homecoming universe

Most immediate feedback: Virginia R. You're probably on the boards as often as I am. grin It feels so good to get feedback when I post a story, to know that people are out there and appreciating the work. Thank you! clap

Best boost to my ego: Laura. Whether it's in public on the boards or in private as my beta reader, I can not possibly be more inspired to write more than when I get her feedback. I mean, come on, she wrote this for one of my stories:
Susan--wow! I really (and I mean this in the nicest way possible) have no idea what to say! I am speechless--still enthralled in a wonderful world of Sexy, Waffy bliss... I have gushed, and gushed, (and gushed) throughout the story, and honestly, I could not love it more. I love all of your work--totally Susan/Groobie's #1 fan :)--and this one? This one--this story--may indeed be my favorite!
Seriously??!! How can anyone's ego not balloon to outrageous proportions when they read something like that?! thud And I'm delighted to have found my cosmic twin. twins

Best mentor: Sue. Seeing her process behind the scenes as her beta reader pushes me to improve my own work. Her beta comments on my work prompt me to go further than my first drafts. Coming back to the boards after so long and diving right back into the process of writing with her has been inspirational. dance

Best fandom on the internet: Ours! grin Thanks to everyone for still being here after all these years, providing new stories and supportive feedback, keeping the spirit of Lois and Clark alive. party

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink