I love this idea.

I've a question and two nominations.

First, the question: How does Best 'Guest Star' differ from the Kerth's category of Best Original/Supporting Character? Is it just that the official Kerth category could include the regular or semi-regular cast members who have more minor roles?

Now, the nominations: I'm torn between two people to nominate for Best Feedback Giver; the feedback from both nominees always brings a smile to my lips: Darth Michael's feedback because it is so funny, and Laura (LMA's) feedback because it is always so encouraging. May I nominate both? With an honourable mention to Deadly Chakram for giving such detailed feedback?

My nomination for the Best Title award is "Memo From The Daily Planet Janitorial Staff." Its off-beat nature intrigued me, and the story itself lived up to the promise of the name.


p.s., Thanks, KK, for starting this thread.